Tuesday, December 31, 2013

December 31st - Visit #10

Well my journey to 50 has come to an end. This has been a year of great self reflection and time spent with those that have inspired and challenged me to be my best. I spent the last 4 days of 49 with my 76 year old dad who other than my mom has most shaped me into the person I am. After many years in the rat race of Dallas, he now lives on a peaceful, remote ranch 18 miles southwest of Marathon, Texas. Even though I was born and raised in Dallas, the Marathon area always seems like home to me. He is one of the hardest working, passionate men I know. We got up today and I followed him in the pickup while he ran the bulldozer and worked some roads he had been meaning to fix. He is a walking encyclopedia of the history of the Southwest and is willing to share this information with anyone who will listen. He has an unbelievable book collection of Texas history that would rival many library collections. He has written several books and has done numerous presentations on the history of this area. He is most comfortable talking one on one with people however can hold his own in large groups when needed. Just like my mom, he has made many sacrifices for my brother and I and would do anything for us. I haven't always agreed with all of the choices my parents have made but have come to realize that we are all on a journey doing the best we can in life. I am definitely a combination of both of my parents and for that I am grateful.

Things I have learned or been reminded of this year:

Choose Joy!!
Let it go.
Look for the good in situations and in people.
Everyone is fighting their own private battle and needs love not judgment.
People are what it's all about, take time for them.
If you are willing to listen, people are more than willing to share.
You can learn a lot about yourself by having a greater understanding of where you come from.
The number one thing I have learned this year is - It's ok to be an introvert - God made each of us unique and we should celebrate that!!

I started this journey one year ago not really understanding the impact it would have on me. I have been amazed at what I have learned about myself, where I've come from and how that has shaped me into who I am today. My plan is to continue to take the time to meet with people on a regular basis to help me become the best me I can be.

Many thanks to those who met with me on my journey: Billie Faye Curtis, Fred and Max Stumberg, Mary Carole Strother, Alan Harkey, Chris Harkey, Andrew Harkey, Janet Anders, Sandra Taylor, and Travis Roberts.

Here's to an amazing 2014!!! 50 is gonna be GREAT!!